How to Play
Install and Open Quizpot
After installing the app, open the app and you will get directed straight to the home page.
Home page shows the list of categories to play.
Select your interesting category from the list.

Pick Game Mode
After selecting your interesting category from the list.
You will be directed to a page where you can choose the mode of play. Four modes are available
Single Player Mode
Random Opponent
Invite a Friend
Group Match
Single Player Mode:
You can test your knowledge with a set of ten questions.
Random Opponent:
You have to wait a few seconds to get an opponent to play. The game will start automatically after that.
Invite a Friend:
Clicking on it will lead you to the sharing window where you can send the invitation to your friends on different social media
How to Join: Please click the invitation link, you will automatically get directed to the game play. In case you cannot open the link, give the 4 digit code given along with the invitation link.
Group Match
You can invite 4 friends and start playing the quiz.
Game Play
20 seconds are allotted for answering each question. You have options to end the quiz game or skip a particular question.

Global Score Board
You can submit your score to Global Score board, share your score and challenge your friends.